The Coolest Picture from the Nineties!

Find me a more varied, cooler crew than these dudes! By Ilan Adler I recently stumbled onto this amazing picture by way of listening to one of the best podcasts out there; Uhh Yeah Dude, a weekly podcast by two American Americans. Highly recommended. Anyways, this picture is from the 1993 Saturday Night Live show (Season 19 premiere) featuring NBA Legend Charles Barkley as the host and Nirvana as the musical guest. In this


Top 5 Hashtags for Marketing Your Brand

Use these hashtags for marketing your brand to a younger audience. By Stav Adler Stav here with more social media insight! Thanks to the internet we now have so many ways to market to our audience, whether it be via social media or more traditional online marketing. Something that seems to elude a lot of brands is marketing their product to a younger audience. This younger crowd is known for


Don’t Be a Square!

Instagram has an exciting new feature – one you will definitely want to start using. By Stav Adler Hello World! Stav here, social media maven and fashion enthusiast, reporting to you on whatever I feel like. Today we will be discussing the most EXCITING news of the day for all you Instagram lovers: No more square photos required! This is BIG news for fans or portrait or wide shots. (Or

Alphabet Inc. Bringing out the worst of Wall Street

How a simple paragraph in the NYTimes shows how bad Wall Street has become By Ilan Adler Like everyone in the past 48 hours, you probably heard about the new company formed by Larry Page and Sergey Brin, Alphabet. Alphabet will incorporate all Google holdings (i.e Nest, Ventures, etc.) under one umbrella with financial reports for each one. I won’t get into the specifics of the deal, because there are

Things People Google After Game of Thrones

Shit People Googled after the Game of Thrones Season 5 Finale By Ilan Adler Game of Thrones is a wildly popular show, not much new in that statement. Every episode, story arc, and character are heavily dissected, analysed and remarked upon in blogs, Reddit, and the mainstream media. But due to the show’s myriad amount of characters, plots and whatnot, after every episode there are things that need to be Googled

Before Twitter – Awareness in the Digital Age

When did you first become aware of Twitter? By Ilan Adler On a recent podcast Bill Simmons was talking about the Mayweather Pacquiao fight with Bryan Curtis. Simmons speculated about what would have happened had this fight occurred before 2008, before the rise of Twitter, social media on a mass scale, and the constant 24 hours news and blog cycle. This was in relation the Internet taking on the villain,

apple II watch

Apple II Watch DIY Project

DIY Apple II Watch Project By Ilan Adler I just stumbled into this fantastic DIY post about a guy who decided to create his very own Apple II watch. This really cool project was created on Instructables by user Aleator777. In fact he released the complete instructions for creating your very own vintage Apple II watch! This includes all parts, what you need to create a 3d printing of, and all other technical

Alicia Silverstone in Cryin'

Random Video Breakdown – Aerosmith’s ‘Cryin’

Breaking Down Aerosmith’s ‘Cryin’ By Ilan Adler For those who grew up in the 1990’s, music videos by Aerosmith were a staple of our MTV viewing habits. Whether it was the Bonnie & Bonnie hotness of Liv Tyler and Alicia Silverstone in the ‘Crazy‘ music video, Edward Furlong from T2: Judgement Day starring in ‘Livin’ on the Edge‘, The weirdness of fake computer generated people, the power glove, and Silverstone being smoking

A Social Entrepreneur is Born

Typographic Illustration of a Quote By Shalhevet Reinman-Adler “Entrepreneurs are innovative, highly motivated and critical thinkers. When these attributes are combined with a drive to solve social problems, a social entrepreneur is born.” Quote by Muhammad Yunus

The Superfish Fiasco – Why You Should Focus on Real Advertising

Online Advertising Based on Questionable Tactics is Bad By Ilan Adler Ever since the dawn of the mainstream Internet, there have been plenty of companies trying to exploit it for short term profit. The latest news hitting the web, is the Superfish Fiasco, where Lenovo sold PC’s with pre-installed Superfish adware. This adware can be exploited to allow 3rd parties to create false SSL certificates which then masquerade as the real thing.