Guinness Wheelchair Basketball

Guinness TV spot By Ilan Adler This one minute short for Guinness Beer hits the nail on the head for buddies enjoying being together. It’s refreshing to see a beer commercial that doesn’t have to be juvenile, chauvinist, or downright stupid, to get you to care about the product. Well done Guinness, well done:

Moreing – Great ad campaign by Boost

Moreing by Boost By Ilan Adler Moreing is a funny, yet visually stimulating ad campaign about the Boost bar, produced by Cadbury of Australia. In this video short they take the meaning of “moreing” to a whole new level, as evidenced by the beauty of the things which the “artist” has made better by making “more of”. A very clever viral ad campaign that definitely got lots of people talking

Stop Motion Pregnancy

Stop Motion Pregnancy Clip By Ilan Adler Have you seen our stop motion pregnancy clip yet? It’s been up for almost a month now, and we have been getting really great feedback! A lot of the people are saying that they found it was easy to watch since it was short and straight to the point. Since Amit (the namesake of this website) turned 8 months yesterday, I decided that

Interesting Look at Tower of David Squatters

The World’s Tallest Slum By Ilan Adler I stumbled onto this short clip taking a look at the Tower of David, an unfinished skyscraper in Caracas, Venezuela. Since the Tower was unfinished, a bunch of people moved in and are now squatting in the tower, up to the 28th floor. If you are a fan of the excellent HBO show “Vice” you will enjoy this 6 minute short.  

Fruute By Ferro Concrete

What is Ferro Concrete? Ferro Concrete is a LA based design company that also revolves around branding. Their site is really cool, especially this one project about fruit. It was done for a company called Fruute which is a gourmet cookie company that makes amazing looking (and probably yummy) cookies and treats. I really also like the quotes that they had placed on the cookie bags themselves, which is marvelous branding.

Apple – Design With Intention

Apple is synonymous with both design and usability. In this short but effective clip, they let out their goals in designing products that work. I think it’s a great example of the so called “Apple Way” of design and function.

Clever Marketing Promotion by Heineken

Viral Marketing Promotion by Heineken By Ilan Adler Heineken came today with this clever marketing promo. It has no real relation to the actual brand itself, but rather just something meant to go viral and get people talking, tweeting, and share about the Heineken brand. Digital marketing in the 21st century indeed:

Fantastic Short About Zero to One Year

Excellent Short About First Year of Life By Ilan Adler As people working in the design industry, we run into cool or exciting videos on a daily basis. This is a really cool video that I stumbled onto yesterday. Check it out below: A Second a Day from Birth. from Sam Christopher Cornwell on Vimeo.