Seven Unique Wedding Invitations

The Most Unique Wedding Invitations! By Ilan Adler Wedding invitations have really taken on a life of their own in the last 10 – 15 years. Instead of just boring old calligraphy on a thick piece of paper, you can now find wedding invitations in all kinds of forms, like video, audio, and special typography and printing processes. Some great types of invitations can be found at The Firecracker Press,

Purported Banksy Sighting?

Banksy Himself Spotted in the Upper West Side?

Banksy Spotting in the Upper West Side? By Ilan Adler Me and Shalhevet have always been HUGE Banksy fans. In fact I believe “Exit through the Gift Shop” was one of the best films I’ve seen in the last 5 years, and I like to think I watch a lot of films. Besides the high production value and cleverness of his work, through each one of his pieces he continues

Clever Marketing Promotion by Heineken

Viral Marketing Promotion by Heineken By Ilan Adler Heineken came today with this clever marketing promo. It has no real relation to the actual brand itself, but rather just something meant to go viral and get people talking, tweeting, and share about the Heineken brand. Digital marketing in the 21st century indeed: