Part one of a series on Apps that will help you market to your brand efficiently.
By Stav Adler
Hello! Happy New Year! 2016 is going to be an exciting year in Social Media Marketing. Social Media has now become a huge part of marketing strategies, n matter how traditional the brand. Everyone is always trying to constantly evolve the things they do on Social Media to make it better. If you can constantly evolve then you can keep your audience on their toes and interested. As your smartphone is a huge part of staying connected to your audience, I’m taking a look on ways you can work directly from your phone!

We all want things that make our lives just a little easier. Since Instagram is a huge part of social media strategy, the key is having high quality and interesting pictures. The VSCO app is there to help you do just that. A great photography app, it does a bit more than your standard Instagram filter. Whether you are sick of the Instagram filter and want something that stands out, or you want to enhance your pictures with lighting cropping and the like, VSCO is a high quality tool just for you! Best part of the app? It’s absolutely free.
Have fun playing and let me know what apps you like to post that perfect picture below in the comments!